Informative. Connected. Simple.
Steering committee members help the I&R community after decades of experience working in the information and referral sectors. Here, among other locations, is where we share our successes and learn from each other.
A place to share…
Governors and state governments have partnered with 211s to send millions of text messages. At the height of the pandemic, 27 unique 211 agencies sent a breathtaking combined 25 million COVID-related texts, and responded to another 2 million live two-way SMS encounters. Without 211 helping with communication, many more lives would have been lost. It’s that simple.

Our Work
Spotlight: 211 OnDemand! It’s Here Now Learn How to Deploy Text OnDemand!
Text OnDemand is changing how our communities acquire information and referrals. Learn more. Read the full writeup now!
Spotlight: I&R including specialized programs like a “Popup Vax Text Line”
Did you know your opt in protocols are customizable? Learn what’s possible! Build new partnerships. Grow your services. 211info in Oregon partnered with health services to offer outbound SMS alerts, however, when those folks started replying to those alerts with questions, 211info was right there with live two-way support. They launched a pop up “Vaccination Text Line” Moreover, they piloted the project in Version 2!
Spotlight: Text I&R with Followup How, Where and Why?
Learn from others how followup strategies using SMS text messaging are increasing awareness and improving the quality of services. With over 60% response rates and higher, text is proven to be more effective and efficient than traditional phone interviews. For follow surveys, text is king. Read more!
Spotlight: New Business and Funded Partnerships deployed Mass-Texting (MT) Regional Communications
Governors of states have partnered with 211s to send millions of sms texts over the past year. Learn how new partnerships can lead to increases in your budget and also improve your agency’s ability to convene individuals and families around services. Read more!
Spotlight: Opioid Text Program State Health Departments Continue to Search for Answers
After a global pandemic crushed the world, the US is still being crushed by its own war at home, a war against the opioid epidemic. Dig in and learn more about the program called “amazing” and so “technologically advanced” a service now being asked for by name, “The Opioid Text Program“.
Spotlight: A COVID partnership with the state of New Jersey Leads to Unprecedented Partnership with the Department of Labor
Governor Murphy needed a communication partner as his state found itself in the midst of a crisis with the COVID outbreak pummeling their communities and seemingly no end in sight. After months of devastation, the numbers finally started going down. Partners at the state health department and 211 were all ready to take a break, share a collective sigh of relief just as the Department of Labor found themselves behind the eight ball and desperate for answers. Once again, 211 was there with an out-of-the-box Tier 1 texting solution to their withering email effort. Referred to as a last ditch effort, this fully automated SMS communication solution has produced remarkable results, citizens were beginning to get their checks again, the wheels of social services were turning again. Now, in its’ 11th month, the project continues to grow and evolve with new sms Chatbot scenarios and more layered data analytics.